When we have a triplet that is managing analysis of more than one applications, trying to ImportAssessmentModel using CAST-MS-CLI.exe command it complains about multiple applications being in triplet since, we dont have an application option in the command line.
For eaxmple:
C:\Temp>"%CAST_HOME%\CAST-MS-CLI.exe" ImportAssessmentModel -connectionProfile sandbox838 -file "C:\Temp\CAST 8.3.8 Assessment Model - SQL Injection Disabled.pmx" -logRootPath "C:\temp"
Using arguments:
-connectionProfile: sandbox838
-file: C:\Temp\CAST 8.3.8 Assessment Model - SQL Injection Disabled.pmx
-logRootPath: C:\temp
Log file : C:\temp/CAST-MS-20190313-163425.log.txt
Running action: Import an assessment model file
Error: Missing Applications. The target MNGT database contains more than one application.
Return value: 1000
to over come this issue, we have to Import Assessment Model manually from CAST MS.