FollowHow to activate contribution for several End points?
Starting from AIP 8.3.X, the Contribute is set to 0 as default value - . An application can contain several extensions, and each extension can offers several end point configuration.
So what if you want to activate all end points or all end points having a similar name? What if there are 10 extensions and each extension offers 10 different end points configuration? If you do it from TCC GUI you will perform 100 manual action for a sing application!
This post suggests an easy way to avoid the manual work. Here,we suggest you to run the following query on the management schema to activate the contribution based on the name of the end point configuration:
UPDATE cal_setassociation
SET attributenumvalue = 1
WHERE attributename = 'Contribute'
AND set_id IN (SELECT osd.set_id
FROM cal_objsetdef osd
JOIN cal_setassociation sa
ON sa.set_id = osd.set_id
WHERE osd.settype = 'Transaction end points'
AND attributename = 'Contribute'
AND attributenumvalue != 1)
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