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Dashboard refresh logout issue

We encounter an issue during a dashboards refresh – while the AAD is being refreshed. Any user that is using at that time the dashboard gets a popup window with some information and button Logout (you can see it in attachments). This is not good for user experience because if the user is currently working with the dashboard – it is not handy to do the Logout and Login again. We need something that will allow us not to do a Logout – to save session data while refreshing AAD. It is ok to have an information window at the same time the user needs to persist his session and after the dashboard will be refreshed the user will continue to work without any Logout/Login. Could you help us with solving this?

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Thanks for pointing this. I do acknowledge the problem. I will try to see what we can do to solve this, Taking this to my roadmap.

Will keep you posted.



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Agreed. That would be a much better user experience if the user was notified that that the cache is refreshing, request them to wait and for the window to dismiss automatically once the update is completed.

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