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Issues with accessing Engineering Dashboard after restore

Sometimes after restoration or some reconfiguration of the schemas, the users are unable to access the dashboards. 

After these operations, the user needs to verify that the table SYS_SITE of the central schema contains the correct name as well as the table DSS_SITES. When we say correct name the name should match with the current central schema name. If the name does not match with the central schema name, then the user may have access issues

Follow the below steps to check it.

1 - select * from sys_site 

Check whether the name matches with the central schema name

2 - If the name does not match, execute the below query:

update sys_site set site_name='Your central schema name' where site_type = 1

3 - select * from dss_sites

Check whether the site_name and local_dss_name matches with the central schema name

4 - if the name does not match, then run the following query:

update DSS_SITES
set SITE_NAME = 'Your central schema name',
LOCAL_DSS_NAME = 'Your central schema name'
where SITE_ID = 0;

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